Which Leg Gets the Wedding Garter?

Which leg does the wedding garter go on? Find out from The Garter Girl's blog — your source for wedding planning advice.

The left? The right? Does it really matter which leg you wear your wedding garter on? I got this question from a bride recently and I thought that if one bride had the question, surely other people out there would want to know which leg gets the garter.

Up next in my wedding garter 101 blog series is the questions of placement. Specifically, which leg should you wear your wedding garter on. And, does it really matter if you wear your garter on your left leg or if you wear your garter on the left leg on your wedding day?

As a custom garter designer, you'd think I'd know the right answer to this question. So, you've come to the right place!

which leg gets the wedding garter

The Short Answer

The short answer to the garter leg question is this:  It is up to you which leg you want to wear your garter on during your wedding day. You aren't going to get cooties or bring yourself 10 years of bad luck if you wear your pretty little wedding garter on either your left or right leg.

It just doesn't matter!

Historically, garters were purely functional and worn on both legs to keep up socks and stockings. Worn by both men and women, might I add! (Check out my post about wedding garter history.) Because of the duel leg purpose, garters used in today's weddings can be worn on either leg.

It really comes down to comfort and what comes naturally to you. What leg do you start with naturally when you go to put it on? That's the leg that should get your garter on the morning of your wedding!

Here are 4 tips for legs and wedding garter wearing…

1.) Don't think about it too much.

Just put your wedding garter on and which ever leg you reach for first is the best leg for you. With the dress, the shoes, the makeup and all the other "newness" and nerves of the wedding day, just wear your wedding garter on the leg that it is most comfortable for you.

2.) Main and tossing garter go on the same leg.

If you are wearing two garters, they both go on the same leg. The main garter goes on first, aka high up the leg, and the tossing garter goes on second, aka just below the main garter.

If the tossing garter is closest to the bottom, then it will come off first, which is what you want for the garter toss ceremony.

3.) Make sure you have "the talk" about which leg the garter is on.

If you are doing the garter toss at the reception, maybe you can talk about it the night before or whisper just before hands start to wander, but either way you two should discuss which leg you plan on wearing your wedding garter. You can (and should!) extend your leg a little bit so that your partner knows clearly which leg is wearing the garter.

If you help your partner out, there might be less of a chance for fumbling hands and awkward moments during the main event.

4.) Garter placement.

Just with which leg gets the garter, just do what comes naturally when it comes to placing your garter on your leg. You don't want to wear it it up so high that it rubs when you walk, but you don't want to wear it so low that it falls off or feels funny. 

Simply, wear the garter in the location on your leg that is the most comfortable. This might mean moving your garter down a little closer to your knee so that it doesn't rub or feel too tight.

Which Wedding Garter Will You Choose?

You have the power to decide which leg you'll wear your garter on...but here's another choice...which garter will you choose? We have so many styles of bridal garters here at The Garter Girl...plus, we can create a custom designed bridal garter just for you.

Let's take a look at some of our top wedding garter styles that brides love...


Aisle Always Love You Beaded Bridal Garter
Shop this wedding garter:
Made by: The Garter Girl


Perfect Something Blue Bridal Garter
Shop this wedding garter:
Made by: The Garter Girl


Glistening Tulle and Sparkle Wedding Garter
Shop this wedding garter:
Made by: The Garter Girl


In The Mood For Lace Wedding Garter
Shop this wedding garter:
Made by: The Garter Girl


Shimmer and Shine Something Blue Lace Bridal Garter
Shop this wedding garter:
Made by: The Garter Girl


So, that's it! Now you know that there isn't a right or a wrong leg to wear your bridal garter on for your wedding!

Remember, you can shop for bluevintageclassic and modern garter heirlooms anytime in my garter shop or get in touch with me at info@thegartergirl.com for information on custom designing a garter just for you!

If you have any more garter questions, check out my garter 101 blog series or find all of my wedding planning advice here on my blog.