My Parent’s Wedding and Garter Pictures

My Parent’s Wedding and Garter Pictures

Today is my dad's birthday, so I thought this post was a PERFECT way to say happy birthday and I love you! How gorgeous are my parents on their wedding day?? 40 years and going strong…

The Garter Girl by Julianne Smith - parents wedding 8

I was home (funny that i still call my parent's house "home" even though I technically have my own home with my husband and daughter!) over the holidays and was checking out my parent's wedding album. I've certainly looked at it before because i just love all the old pictures of them and our family, but this time my eye was immediately drawn to their wedding garter toss ceremony photos.

Here is my dad taking the wedding garter off of my mom…

The throw…gotta love him up on the stage to get a good angle…

And a part of the wedding garter tradition that doesn't happen too often anymore: the guy who caught the wedding garter places it on the leg of the girl who caught the bouquet…

I just love that the wedding garter is the oldest wedding tradition and brides and grooms today are still embracing it. clearly, certain parts of the tradition have evolved and they will continue to do so, but it is still around…and I like it!

Now onto a few other wedding pictures from my parent's big day that I couldn't resist sharing…


This one isn't a favorite per say, but I wanted to include it because I thought it was funny that even 35 years ago wedding photographers did the saaaaame line up all the wedding party guests and take a big symmetrical photo!

And one of my favorites…the get away! I'm pretty sure that I have that same smerky, smiling face that my mom has…

Thank you, mom and dad, for letting me share these photos! I know you don't quite get or understand the whole blogging thing, but I appreciate you supporting me no matter what, as you always have! Love from your best baby girl!