Real Wedding Garter: Katie’s Heirloom from Her Mother’s Dress

Real Wedding Garter: Katie’s Heirloom from Her Mother’s Dress

I've posted before about the stunning and so special wedding garter made from the bride's mother's wedding dress. BUT, now

I have the really pretty pictures from the professional photographer, Faith West, to show you. Check these beauties out…

I just don't know how photographers do it…they take something as potentially awkward as putting on your wedding garter in a big, heavy dress and they manage to make it beautiful, tasteful and so classically wedding…I love it!

I couldn't resist posting a few other cute photos from her wedding day that Katie shared with me…

To see more about Katie's wedding garter, check this post out.

Thank you, Katie, for not only sharing your pictures with me, but a special thank you for letting me make this beautiful wedding garter for you! I wish you all the best!

Want to see more real wedding garters? Check out my real garter blog series or my garter photography gallery!

The photos in the post are credited to Faith West Photography