The Wedding Garter and the Mini

The Wedding Garter and the Mini

As a stylish wedding garter designer, I have a special thing for lace and dresses and just about anything pretty! Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite styles of wedding dresses: the mini! Mini wedding dresses are so cute. So adorable. And so chic.  And by mini wedding dress, I'm talking about short dresses. The bridal dresses that are above your knee and so cute! BUT, can you wear a wedding garter with your mini wedding dress?

In this wedding garter 101 blog post, I'm going to give you some advice for how to wear a wedding garter with a short wedding dress. I'm so excited for this new garter advice blog series where I'll answer any and all questions about wedding garters. (If you have any questions, don't hesitate toe email me!)


Photo source: Lela Rose from

Of course, I'm going to say "yes" you can wear a wedding garter with a short wedding dress! Far be it from me the bridal garter designer, to tell you NOT to do something that you want to do on your wedding day, especially when it comes to a wedding garter!

If you are going with the mini wedding dress and you want to take part in the wedding garter tradition, here are some things to think about…

Placement is key
You can totally pull off the wedding garter with the mini wedding dress, just place the garter far enough up your leg so that it doesn't peek out or slide down under your dress. Most wedding garters are designed to be worn just above the knee, so with a mini wedding dress you might want to wear yours a little higher. I recommend trying on your wedding garter before your wedding day, just to make sure it fits the way you want it to.

Design does it
Why not have a garter custom designed to match your wedding dress? Maybe have it made from the same fabric of your dress. (Ask your alterations person for the extra fabric from the hem.) This way, if the garter shows, it will look intentional and match your wedding day outfit perfectly. Better yet, have an amazing garter designed to show on purpose! How beautiful would a garter matching this dress be??


Photo Source: Naeem Khan from

Consider the garter toss
If you are going to do the garter toss, think about getting a tossing wedding garter. the tossing garter is a smaller, more simple version of your keep-sake bridal garter. you wear the tossing garter a little lower than your regular garter so that your groom doesn't have to reach too far to find gold. With a short wedding dress, the tossing garter will help to keep the toss pg rated.

So, I say mini on, brides…wear a short wedding dress and love it! AND wear your wedding garter with your short wedding dress and love it!

More questions about the wedding garter? Check out my garter 101 blog series!