GarterGirlxWeddingChicks: Lace and Blush Pink

GarterGirlxWeddingChicks: Lace and Blush Pink

I saved the prettiest for last! The final wedding garter design from my exclusive capsule collection with Wedding Chicks that I want to profile is by far the prettiest bridal garter of the bunch! (You can read more about the capsule wedding garter collection with Wedding Chicks here on my blog. And, you can see the two other garter styles here: something blue garter and gold glitter and tulle bridal garter)

I designed three different unique bridal garters in a limited garter collection for Wedding Chicks and these beauties ship out October 3rd. You can pre order your beautiful garter right here on the Wedding Chicks shop. I wanted to profile a few of my  favorite pictures taken by Renee Hollingshead Photography of my limited garter collection. There were so many amazing pictures and unique wedding garter photos, it was hard to narrow down the choices!


This exclusive bridal garter design features a champagne lace background that has just a hint of sparkle running through the lace. It is a blush pink satin background with a blush pink satin center tied bow. It is about two inches wide and "wow" is it gorgeous!

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Photo Credit: Renee Hollingshead Photography

This garter is so pretty, right!?

Be sure to head on over to the Wedding Chicks shop to see my new The Garter Girl for Wedding Chicks capsule wedding garter collection. You can also follow along over on Instagram too with our GarterGirlxWeddingChicks hashtag!