Are You Scared To Do The Garter Toss?

Let's talk about all of it — the removal, the dance and the decision. Do you have to do the garter toss? No, but here are all of the reasons why you should!

You want to do the garter toss at your wedding, but you are scared. The hands up your wedding dress, the grandmas watching from afar. There is a lot to fret over. I get it! But, at the same time you are scared about the garter toss, there is something calling you to take part in one of the oldest wedding traditions: the wedding garter. What should you do?

Next up in my garter 101 wedding garter advice blog series, is some advice for what to do if you are scared about the garter toss. I am going to give you some advice and if you have any more questions about the garter toss or garters in general, don't hesitate to get in touch with me!

Here is a beautiful bride getting ready for her wedding and she is wearing a tossing garter (more about that below!)…


Photo Credit: Amy Arrington Photography

Don't worry if you are scared to do the garter toss! You aren't alone! Many brides feel awkward about the garter toss, but really want to wear a garter and save it as a modern wedding heirloom. Here are a few wedding garter tips from me to you! These are things to think about BEFORE you and your new husband are called to the dance floor at your reception for the garter toss! And, even if you aren't scared of the garter toss, these planing tips will be good for you too!

Mind Your Music
If you want to do the garter toss, one of the firsts things you can do to make you feel more comfortable is to pick a song. Find a great song that you love and that you can listen to that will make you smile and not be horrified!

These are all great wedding garter toss ceremony songs:

  • "American Woman" by Lenny Kravitz
  • "Cherry Pie" by Warrant
  • "Get It Started" by the Black Eyed Peas
  • "Hey Ya" by Outkast

The list of good garter removal songs is endless! That was just a short list of the top garter toss songs that popped into my head. I suggest you pick a garter removal song for your reception before your DJ picks one for you! The last thing you want is to be horrified or freaked out when the song starts to play! Also, talk to your wedding DJ or the band, they will probably have some great song suggestions for the garter toss!

Toss It Away
One of the best ways to keep the garter toss festivities clean and to ease your mind is to wear a tossing garter. A tossing garter is a cheaper, smaller version of your regular wedding garter. (And by regular garter, I mean your keepsake or heirloom wedding garter that you are going to save!)

Place your tossing garter it just below your keepsake garter and your groom won't have to reach too far to pull your garter off. It can be less scary if you know that yo jar wearing a tossing garter and he doesn't have to go that far up your dress to find your garter!

An added bonus to wearing a tossing garter is that you'll be able to save your regular garter and keep it as a modern wedding heirloom. Make sure that your groom knows ahead of time what he is looking for under your dress!

Location is Key
Save the grabbing for the honeymoon suite and place your wedding garter just above your knee so that your groom doesn't have to fumble around under your wedding dress. If you are wearing a tossing garter, you could even place it just below your knee to make it super easy for your partner!

Also, make sure that your groom knows which leg your garter is on!

The Crowd
Don't force your single guy friends to come to the dance floor to catch the garter. (The same goes for the bridal bouquet toss!) Some wedding guests – especially the single ones – just aren't into the garter toss and would rather hang back.

The garter removal will still be fun even if you don't toss it! You'll get good pictures even if only a few people participate. That little ring bearer of yours is always up for something fun!

Brush Your Teeth
I don't know where this part of the garter tradition started, but I'm here to say that it is NOT mandatory that the groom removes the garter with his teeth.

Now, if you and your groom are OK with the garter removal with the teeth, then by all means, chomp away! But, if you aren't so comfortable with that, don't feel like all garter tosses have to involve teeth. There are plenty of other body parts that your groom can use to remove the garter, namely his hands with that pretty little ring he just got a few hours earlier.

Keep It Quick
Nothing kills a wedding reception party faster than constant interruptions. So, keep the garter toss short and sweet. Consider including the garter toss together with other festivities, like wedding toasts, bridal bouquet toss and the wedding cake cutting to help ease the flow of the party.

Group all of the wedding reception interruptions together and it will be better for your guests!

Communication, Communication
Get everyone on the same page before garter tossing time.  Make sure that everyone who needs to know is clued in to what you want and what you expect. This includes first and foremost, your groom and also the band and wedding DJ, wedding planner and wedding party.

Do you want to sit on a chair for the garter removal? Make sure someone knows to get one for you, so your groom isn't scrambling to look like a gentleman.

Fun Times
This should go without saying, but i'll say in anyway – have fun with the garter tradition and with the garter toss! Go crazy and live in the moment. If you do the garter toss or not, your wedding should be a celebration, so enjoy it!

More questions about the wedding garter? check out my wedding garter 101 blog series!

Don't forget that you can find a beautiful wedding garter in my collection right here or custom design your own wedding garter here!