You're amazing!

Info is on the way to your Inbox as. we. speak.

I made a little video for you. By the time you're done watching, your email will be waiting for you. Don't forget to check your SPAM, junk and promotions tab. (Gmail hates me!)

FYI your email has a special little gift from me to you. So, make sure you open it within 24 hours - you are gonna want it #promise ;)

Watch THIS: 👇

After you watch, here's what to do next:

1. Head on over to your email. 
Search high and low for an email from The Garter Girl. (Check your spam or junk folders and the promotions tab.) The subject line should be something like, "Here's your info on a custom garter heirloom."
2. Take care of your deposit within 24 hours & choose your gift.
Your email contains a personalized code for a free gift, just for you. But, it expires in 24 hours. I know, I'm excited too. 
3. If you already know you are "in" for an amazing heirloom:
You can skip the Inbox and take care of your deposit right now. (You're my kinda girl, BTW!). Here are the deposit links:
Custom design in general; or
Custom made from your family materials
    4. Boom! You're done. 
    That's it. Do you kinda wish it was more complicated!?  