Featured: Brides.com - 5 Things To Save From Your Wedding

Featured: Brides.com - 5 Things To Save From Your Wedding

Should I save the top tier of my wedding cake? But, how? What do I have to do to my wedding dress before I pack it away after wearing it all day long? Should I get a bridal garter and not toss it at the reception, but instead save it as a modern wedding heirloom? There are so many questions about wedding keepsakes!

To help brides and grooms navigate these wedding day heirloom issues, I am over on brides.com, the website for Brides Magazine, with lots of advice for what to save from your wedding. Specifically, I give you 5 essential things to save from your wedding! Without giving too much away here on my blog, I'll let you hop on over to brides.com to find out exactly what those five wedding heirlooms are!



Photo Credit: Lindsey Mueller Photography

The biggest piece of advice is that if you want to save things from your wedding, you need to plan in advance! For many wedding keepsakes, you must let your wedding vendors or bridesmaids know in advance. You want to prepare before your wedding and know the mementos that you want to save so those precious heirlooms don't get lost, throw out or worse!

Head on over to brides.com to read my advice article on 5 essential things to save from your wedding!

Remember, you can find a modern wedding heirloom right here in my stylish wedding garter collectionor find out even more in my wedding garter 101 advice series.