What a Year!

What a Year!

I opened an email the other day from Bernadette Smith, a wedding planner in New York. It was a list of all of the things that she had accomplished in 2011. I was so impressed and amazed at all that she had done. I started to think about my own year. Was my year that amazing!? I couldn't even remember. Just last week seems so far away to me! This year has been such a blur. I don't even know how I made it through sometimes. My second baby turned one this year, we bought a house, we moved, it has been wild! On a professional level, somewhere in between the personal madness, I managed to design a few wedding garters and build my other blog for weddings in the DC area.

All in all, it has been quite an amazing year. I'm so lucky to be doing what I'm doing! And, to have the support of so many loving people in my life. I can't believe it most days. That brides all over the world allow me be a small part of such a big day in their lives is so wonderful! I love designing and creating and putting all of my crafty skills to use each time I make a wedding garter.

I've had a fulfilling year personally with a few trips and other adventures.  Besides all the wedding garter madness – and there was plenty of that which you can see in my custom garter gallery – here is a look back at my crazy 2011!

I went to New York to be on The Martha Stewart show


I went to the Cayman Islands to engage11 for a "business" conference…


[Photo Credit:  Love Life Images]

My friend turned my wedding invitation into an ornament!


[Photo Credit:  Michelle Lindsay Photography]

I made some great wedding friends through growth of my "3rd baby," United With Love….


[Photo Credit:  Geoff Chessman Visuals]

I made a Halloween custom for the cutest strawberry ever


A stamp was with made with my name…


[Photo Credit:  Abby Jiu Photography]

I got to spend the summer with my family at the beach and this little monkey turned one…


Above all, my most favorite picture of the year (Thank you so much Abby for this gift!), the "The Garter Family" on the front porch of our new house!

The- Garter-Girl-by-Julianne-Smith-family-Abby-Jiu-Photography

[Photo Credit:  Abby Jiu Photography]

My only wish for 2012 is that I take time to remember and savor the moments. 2011 flew by so fast and through all the crazy, I didn't take enough time to cherish the moments. So, here is to an amazing and memorable 2012!