Pretty Packaging!

Pretty Packaging!

I've been playing around with lots of new ways to package up my pretty little wedding garters and send them onto lovely brides-to-be and I think I've finally settled on a system…for now! In addition to the keepsake cotton bag that all of my wedding garters arrive in, I also wanted to create an experience of receiving a gift for my brides when they open their garter package. I wanted them to feel as special as they are when they receive their wedding garter in the mail. Plus, everyone loves getting a gift, right?! I really like when I personally get something in the mail and it is packaged in a loving way. I really enjoy ordering from Net-a-Porter, because their packages arrive like an incredibly chic gift and you just feel stylish opening the mailing box!

I've always packaged my stylish wedding garters in a white cotton bag that brides can then use save their wedding garter after their wedding and hopefully pass it down or along to another bride. Now in addition to the cotton bag, my handmade garters will also come in a white or kraft box that is branded with "The Garter Girl" logo and wrapped in a beautifully simple ribbon. Of course, I had to take a few pictures to prove it!




So, there you have it! I'll come back and share more photos of my new wedding garter gift packaging. I definitely think that my strengths are in sewing and hand crafting, but it is fun to play around with different packing and gift wrapping options from time-to-time! I must give credit to where credit is due and this time it goest to my friend Jamie over at Marigold & Grey. She creates beautiful, artisan wedding welcome gifts. I tapped into her expert gift giving skills for some ideas on how to wrap up my wedding garters.

What are you waiting for? Go and order a stylish wedding garter or maybe a custom wedding garter design so that you can receive one of these carefully, hand crafted and beautifully wrapped wedding garter gifts from The Garter Girl in the mail!