Wedding Garter For Future Daughter In Law

Wedding Garter For Future Daughter In Law

I'm just going to get right to the point with this wedding planning advice blog post today! It is not a good idea to pre-make an heirloom wedding garter for a wedding that isn't scheduled yet or not very close to happening. There are a few reasons why this isn't a good idea, but number one reason is that elastic. Let me explain…

For my next wedding garter 101 advice series where I got into detail with all of your garter questions and concerns, I am featuring a real-life question and answer that I recently provided to a potential client who wanted me to make her a few weddings garters for brides who weren't engaged yet from her wedding dress material. There are probably more of you out there who have similar questions about a wedding garter. In this post, I'm talking about those that want a wedding garter made for a wedding in the future that hasn't happened yet and the garter is for a bride who isn't engaged yet.


Photo Credit: Amy Arrington Photography

Maybe you are the mother and you want to use your wedding dress to have a few wedding garters made for your daughters, just in case! Or, maybe you have vintage lace material from a family member and one of your daughters is getting married, so you want to get a second wedding garter made at the same time for your other daughter or your future daughter in law. There are so many reasons to have a wedding garter made well in advance of a wedding and I've heard them all. And, I always suggest the same thing: don't do it! As hard as it is to wait, you should wait to have the wedding garter made, especially if it is being make from vintage and heirloom materials.


I got this email recently from a potential client:

"I am not getting married. I have my wedding dress sitting in my closet and would like to finally do something with it. I would like to make a wedding garter set for each of my two sons for their future brides to wear on their wedding day. I also have my mothers wedding dress and would like to incorporate both fabrics into the garter designs. 

My only concern is how well the elastic will hold up, my boys are 13 and 10 and I do not anticipate them getting married within the next 10 years or more."

This is exactly what I said in response:

"Thanks so much for for contacting The Garter Girl! It is really incredible that you have your wedding dress and your mother's dress material and that you want to do something so special with it. However, as much as I'd love to make a custom wedding garter for your son's future brides-to-be, I don't think it would be a great idea because of the elastic. You are exactly right in your thinking that the elastic might not hold up well over time. The elastic might very well hold up and it will be all fine, but then again it might not. You just never know with elastic and it will hold up or not. 

Also, you might have sizing issues, what if they brides are bigger or smaller than the wedding garters that you've had pre-made. Another option is, what if they want to wear your whole wedding dress and we cut it apart!

I think you are best off waiting until closer to your son's wedding days. I will obviously do what you want, but I wouldn't feel right about not letting you know my concerns about the elastic and more."


It is really important to be honest with potential clients about the reality of hand made items or any items for that matter. Delicate details like elastic don't always hold up over time. Sometimes they work perfectly and there are no issues, but then other times, they just fall apart and there is nothing you can do about it. The fibers in elastic get weak and have a tendency to breakdown and loose their shape over time. That's just the nature of elastic. It is great while it lasts!

I've fixed a few family heirloom wedding garters in my day and simply replaced the elastic. The bride or the mother of the bride will contact me saying that they have a wedding garter that has been passed down from bride to bride in their family, but the elastic is done and could I replace it before it needs to be worn again at an upcoming wedding. These heirloom wedding garters are always so special and each one is unique and special in their own way. It is such a privilege to fix and bring the heirloom wedding garter a new life sending on to another bride to carry on their family tradition!


If your wedding is coming up soon, as in within the next year or so, please get in touch with me! I'd love to make a you a custom wedding garter.  And, if yo have any more question, you can find them all right here in my wedding garter 101 advice blog posts.