Real Wedding Garter: Mary’s Hokie Garter

Real Wedding Garter: Mary’s Hokie Garter

Mary's wedding garter was designed in a Virginia Tech theme for her Hokie lovin' fiance'.  It is always fun when a bride designs a wedding garter for her husband.  It is a small gesture, but the groom usually loves it!

Mary's Hokie themed wedding garter is a set.  The garter background is maroon satin with an orange and white polka dot grosgrain stripe and a maroon satin bow. The tossing garter is orange and white polka dot grosgrain.



Mary's wedding was in Key Biscayne, FL, hence this picture of her garter and her shoes on the boardwalk…


Thank you, Mary, for letting me make this wedding garter set for you and for sharing your pictures. I wish you all the best!