One Bride’s Garter Decision: On The Fence About A Garter

One Bride’s Garter Decision: On The Fence About A Garter

You know I love my clients and real wedding garter brides, right?! Well, you might remember this real ivory wedding garter of Lauren's. Ever since I read Lauren's garter decision making that she wrote about on her real wedding planning blog, I've wanted to share it here in my wedding garter 101 blog series. I talk about everything wedding garter related in this blog series and I think it is great to give some advice from real brides and get their opinion about the garter tradition. (Besides, sometimes it is nice to not hear be talk on and on, right!?)

As a bride-to-be, planning her wedding, Lauren goes through her reasoning for choosing a wedding garter set and her for deciding to take part in the wedding garter tradition itself. She and her now-husband decided to do the wedding garter thing at their wedding to not only take part in the tradition of it all, but because it was fun! I can think of no better reason to choose a modern heirloom for your wedding to be a garter. When something is fun, it is always a great reason!


With Lauren's permission, I'm re-posting her garter musings because I think it might help other couples and/or brides on the fence about a wedding garter…

The garter I chose was a simple ivory garter style one by Julianne Smith, aka The Garter Girl. Why this garter and not the others? Wellllll, I had some reasons…

  1. It's a garterset. I was set on having a set because I wanted to have both a tossing and a keeping garter. I didn't want to invest all of this money just to have my pretty wedding garter taken by a clueless bachelor. (Sorry, guys.) None of the garters I'd considered previously were a part of a set.
  2. It's just so pretty, sweet, and simple. My dress has so much shazam going on that I was ready for some minimal accessories.
  3. They also look more durable. I know that this sounds stupid, but I'm going to be wearing this on my thigh, and while I imagine I'll only don it for pictures and for the toss, I don't want to have to walk like a monkey so I don't crush the poor thing with dress and legs. Grosgrain ribbon? Sturdy McPractical.
  4. Julianne is awesome, and her blog was one of the first that I started reading when I stumbled into wedding land.

Hooray. One great thing about having a garter set, which I learned at our meeting with our awesome DJ last week, is that it sets you up for some pretty awesome shenanigans.

SO! There is a bouquet toss and a garter toss, or at least in our wedding-reception-plan. (I also have a tossing bouquet. I'm not so good at sharing.) If it's appropriate, i.e. not a crazy age difference or some strange situation, the dude that catches the garter puts said garter on the bouquet-catcher.

While some brides may be horrified by this, I think we have many many many hilarious/awesome possible situations with this. After the catching happens, we'll give Mike the thumbs up or down as to whether or not to call forth this "tradition." I'm hoping we get the 'nads to do this. I am a fan.


What do you think about Lauren's real bride advice about her decision to have a wedding garter and do the garter toss? I mean, am I right in that when something is fun, it is great reason!?!

I think a real bride to-bride is helpful advice is helpful for couples out there in the middle of planning their wedding, making tons of decisions, but are unsure of the wedding garter tradition. Thanks to Lauren for letting me post about her wedding garter decision!

I hope Lauren's garter reasoning helps a few of you out there! For more wedding garter questions and answers, be sure to check out my garter 101 blog series or shop for your garter right here on my site.