3 Ways To Make Your Wedding Garter More Modern

3 Ways To Make Your Wedding Garter More Modern

It is back to class and time for a little wedding garter 101 today! I love doing these wedding garter advice posts, so I'm so glad that you are here! And, even more I'm glad that you love two things that I love: wedding traditions and modernizing them!

Over the years, I've attempted to answer all of your wedding garter questions – even the ones you don't want to ask – in my wedding garter 101 blog series! So, if you have any garter questions that I haven't answered check that blog series, I'm sure I've gone over it!

Ok, so back to the topic at hand – how to make your wedding garter more modern. You love the tradition or a garter, but you are wondering if there are few things that you can do – easy things – to make your garter more modern. You want to bring the garter into the here and now. To make it relevant for your wedding and help you celebrate your wedding commitment and have a lasting memory to pass on through the generations in your family. The wedding garter can be a big deal, I get it!

Let's talk about some ways to modernize a wedding garter. Because, let's face it, the wedding garter is the oldest wedding tradition. It has been forever and it is time that the garter got a little facelift, a modernization, if you will!


Photo Credit: Michelle Lindsay Photography

The wedding garter is the oldest wedding tradition – this we know. But, over the years it has gone through many different styles, designs, meanings and functions for the wedding ceremony and throughout the entire wedding day. The wedding garter is having a come back in modern weddings as more and more brides are choosing to wear a wedding garter on their day.

Let's face it though, some of the garter designs could use a little updating. And, that's where you come in! If you are up for participating in the wedding garter tradition – either to toss at your reception or to just keep it a something special – then infusing your personality into the tradition will instantly take it form boring, out dated drag to fun and festive keepsake.

Here are few more ideas that I have to modernize your wedding garter:


Go for color in your bridal garter. Many brides feel the pressure to go neutral for their wedding dress. I get it – for so many reasons! When it comes to your wedding garter though, you have the freedom to go for some color in the garter's design. If it is your wedding colors, your favorite sports team or just a color – or pattern – that you love, there are so many incredible colors out there to choose from for your wedding garter. The best part of the garter tradition is that your garter will be hidden under your dress, so spice it up and go wild with color, which will make it more modern.


As more and more couples are opting out of wedding traditions and only participating in the ones that have meaning to them, you and yours can certainly join the trend and skip the garter toss all together. Designing your wedding ceremony and reception to fit your personal tastes and preferences is instantly more modern and unique! If you are skipping the garter toss, then feel free to get a wedding garter to have and hold between you and your fiancé. Why not make it a surprise?! That will for sure modernize the tradition, not to mention make it a whole lot more personal!


As I mentioned before, many brides opt for something traditional for their wedding dress. But maybe that isn't your personal, everyday style. Sure, you want to look like a "bride" on your wedding day, but maybe in your regular life you are much more fun and outgoing. Reflect your personality in your garter! Maybe you are leopard print and red lipstick kind of girl, or maybe stripes and pastels are your style of choice. All of these bold colors and design details can be incorporated into your wedding garter. As I said, your bridal garter will be hidden under your dress, so go for the risk! Only you and your partner will know!

So what did I miss? What are your ideas for how to make your wedding garter modern?

Speaking of modern and weddings, here are all of my modern wedding garter designs. To keep the modern party going, I created two boards on Pinterest full of modern wedding ideas and modern wedding accessories. Come check out the party over there!

If you want to see all of my wedding garter advice posts, be sure to check out my garter 101 blog series.