Featured: Brides.com

Featured: Brides.com

Are you wondering what you should save from your wedding? Moreover, did you know that you need to plan ahead for things that you want to keep from your wedding? I am over on Brides.com – the website for Brides magazine – with an advice article about everything you need to know about keepsakes from your wedding. Wether you want to save the top tier of your wedding cake, your bridal dress, or your wedding garter, there are a few little things that you need to know in advance of your wedding and people that you need to tell. So, go on over to Brides.com to check out my wedding keepsake advice. Once your big day is over, you'll thank me!



Photo Credit: Renee Hollingshead Photography

For more press and praise of The Garter Girl, check out my blog, or you can order your own wedding garter here in my shop.