What Is A Throwing Garter?

What Is A Throwing Garter?

What exactly is a throwing garter? I get this question a lot and I can't really answer it enough! But, I think one more time as a part of my wedding garter 101 blog series is worth it, right!? In this blog series I am answering this question about a tossing garter and so many more questions about bridal garters and everything in between.


Sweet Wedding Garter Set

Sometimes a throwing garter is referred to as a tossing garter. Also, sometimes wedding garters are sold as a "set," which includes a main garter and a tossing garter.

A throwing garter is a second wedding garter that you wear on your wedding day. You will toss, or throw, this garter during the garter toss ceremony during the reception. The idea is that you throw this other garter so that you don't loose your main garter and you can save that main garter as an wedding day heirloom. You won't have to worry about tossing a garter that you are hoping to save after your wedding day as a keepsake.

Generally, a main wedding garter is one that you love and are hoping to hold onto as a special wedding momento from the big day. (It is small and pretty, I mean, why not!?) So, then the tossing garter, or throwing garter, is a more simple, and sometimes less expensive, garter that you aren't worried about losing or not getting back.


Classy Wedding Garter Set

Most brides who are going to do the garter toss wear the two garters – the main and the throwing garter – at the same time on their wedding day. In this case, the tossing garter should go below, closer to the knee or foot, the main garter so that it is easier to reach. Brides can also opt to not wear their main garter at all and simply save it as a keepsake. They can just wear just the one tossing garter.

I hope this helps with the question about just what exactly is a tossing garter! For more questions and answers about everything garters, be sure to check out my wedding garter 101 blog series.