Fun (And Delicious!) Wedding Garter Inspiration

Fun (And Delicious!) Wedding Garter Inspiration

Candy and wedding garters have nothing on common! But, I really love the contrast and the mix of the soft, romantic wedding garters with modern and bright candy backdrop. The two things – garters and Sour Patch Kids – are so incredibly different that in an odd way when they are together they give me a sense of that super sour taste of a Sour Patch Kid!

Speaking of candy, I really hope that the whole candy bar trend at weddings never goes away. I fear that it might be already gone, in place of other types of bars like bouquet bars and bourbon bars, but I really hope that it comes back! There is nothing better than being able to choose your own candies and only taking a little bit (or a lot!) of what you like. Candy bars are of the better wedding bar favors out there, in my opinion. And, they can be affordable and look gorgeous!

I'm a huge candy person, if you haven't noticed this from reading my blog lately! A good friend of mine visited recently and her mom sent along a ton of packages of Fun Dip for me because she knows how much I love candy. I've always been more of a candy person over chocolate. Although, I'd never turn down chocolate or anything sweet for that matter. I had a package of Sour Patch Kids in the house and thought it would be fun to take a few pictures of the candy with several of my wedding garter styles. I love how bright and modern these wedding garter photos turned out. You can give your wedding such a different look and feel just by changing up the backgrounds and small decor items that you choose…like candy!

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For the record, I'll list the different wedding garter styles starting with the first photo in this post. The top one is is of my modern garter style with a little pop of silver glitter, the one in the middle is my chic bridal garter style, and the one on the bottom is my sweet something blue wedding garter style. Also, the polka dot garter is my graceful wedding garter style.

Enjoy these deliciously fun wedding garter pictures, I know I did! (And, then I enjoyed the candy too!)