Real Garter: Madison

Mom Helps Bride Place Custom Bridal Garter

There's nothing more special than being able to gift a custom wedding garter that was designed using family materials, especially when that materia is your mom's wedding dress. Today's real The Garter Girl bride wedding photographs were shared by the bride's mom. Cue the tears!

Bride, Madison's mother, Cassie, shared these wonderful wedding day photos with us as she helped her daughter place her custom bridal garter on the morning of her wedding. These moments are some of our favorites that wedding photographers capture...but, perhaps we're a bit biased!

This real wedding garter shares the special moments between mother and daughter on wedding day. As the bride is getting ready for her walk down the aisle, it is so special to incorporate mom into the process for these photo worthy moments that will last for generations.

Bride Putting On Bridal Garter With Mom

Madison's bridal garter is a custom designed garter using family materials. To create this beautiful heirloom, I used pieces from Madison's Mother's 1987 wedding dress. Here are some of the kind words her Mother shared with my via email...

"The garter that you made from my 1987 wedding dress (which you only had a very tiny piece to work with) was PERFECT!!! It meant so much to both of us that she was wearing my dress, without having to actually wear my dress. Thanks you for making this for us – it meant the world to us both!" - Cassie

Choosing to order a custom garter design is the perfect way to have a unique bridal garter for your wedding day, and beyond. Bridal garters are a wedding heirloom we hope you'll cherish for years to come and possibly even pass down in your family. Custom garters are special. They are unique. And using family materials such as a wedding dress or even a favorite clothing item from a relative is the special way to share your wedding day with them.

Custom Bridal Garter Made From Mom's Wedding Dress


Custom Bridal Garter Made For Bride From Mother's Wedding Dress


Bride and Mother Getting Ready Bridal Garter Placement


Mom Helping Bride Place Wedding Garter On Leg


We can't say enough thank you's to Madison and her Mom, Cassie, for sharing these beautiful images and kind compliments. These special moments are what bring us joy from each and every bridal garter from The Garter Girl.

To see more real wedding garters on brides, be sure to check out my blog full of all things weddings including inspiration, tips and advice.

You can also order your wedding garter heirloom from my shop. If you are interested in a custom wedding garter made with your family materials, be sure to check out my family material wedding garter gallery or request a custom garter here.