Custom Wedding Garter: Waterfall Blue and Ivory Lace

Custom Wedding Garter: Waterfall Blue and Ivory Lace

This custom wedding garter is just so soft and romantic, I love it! The bridesmaids in this wedding are wearing a light and bright shade of blue called, waterfall. I hand made this custom wedding garter with layers of ivory lace and detailed it with a light blue satin bow to match the waterfall blue color of the bridesmaid dresses. It will be so gorgeous and perfect on the wedding day!

waterfall-blue-lace-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl waterfall-blue-lace-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl-1 waterfall-blue-lace-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl-2

For more custom wedding garter designs, be sure to check out my blog series, or email me and we'll custom design a stylish wedding garter just for you!