Modern Wedding Garter Inspiration

Modern Wedding Garter Inspiration

Modern bridal accessory alert! It is rare that you see a wedding accessory that is truly modern. Most of the time wedding details for the bride like jewelry, shoes or veil are very traditional and romantic full of lace and delicate finishes. However, when you pair these feminine items with an interesting or unexpected background – like faux fur – you get a wedding day look that is very modern all together!

These wedding garter photos that I took recently were fun, so I thought I'd share them! I love playing with different backdrops and backgrounds when photographing my bridal garters, because the plain white gets boring sometimes. This furry, ombre' fabric was amazing! It looked so incredible with a few of my wedding garters resting on the top and turned the whole look into something very, very modern indeed.

lace-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl modern-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl sparkle-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl

So what about you? Will you go modern for you wedding or stick with the more traditional?

I wanted to explore the concept of a modern wedding a little bit more, so I created a modern wedding inspiration gallery over on Pinterst. Come join me!

As for the bridal garters photographed above, the top one is my dainty lace garter style from my limited wedding garter collection, the middle is my pretty bridal garter style and the bottom one is a custom wedding garter design with a little glitter!