Real Wedding Garter: Katie’s Polka Dot Perfection

Real Wedding Garter: Katie’s Polka Dot Perfection

I have polka dot tulle perfection today! One of the brides that I recently made wedding garter for sent me a few beautiful pictures from her wedding day. Eekk! They are so pretty! (I alway love that split second moment in my Inbox when I see the subject line "pictures" from a past bride and I'm waiting for the photos to download. Not knowing what I'm going to see, the anticipation! Sorry, I'm a little silly, I know!)

This gorgeous bride told me that her wedding garter turned out just like her wedding day – beautiful perfection! Love hearing that kind of positive feed back about the garters and the wedding day! She wore my graceful wedding garter style which is all ivory satin with layers of of polka dot tulle. This garter design is so delicate and graceful, hence it's name! She sent me some of her wedding day images from Kim Thiel Photography. Enjoy!

real-bride-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl real-bride-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl1 real-bride-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl2 real-bride-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl3 real-bride-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl4 real-bride-wedding-garter-The-Garter-Girl5

Thank you so much for letting me make this polka dot tulle wedding garter for you! It is as beautiful as you are – inside and out!

For more of this graceful wedding garter style, be sure to check out my shop page full of wedding garters and see more real wedding garters on my blog. I am also keeping the party going over on Pinterest with a board of real brides and their wedding garters. Come on over there and check it out! I love how each is styled differently.

Photo Credits: Kim Thiel Photography